PWT Image 1.1.0 released - Introducing image profiles

Tuesday, 01 May 2018

We are pleased to announce the availability of PWT Image 1.1.0. In this version we're introducing Image Profiles. Via the profiles you can easily setup multple PWT Image configurations and assign them to specific User Groups and/or image field locations.

In this way you can force for example a square "Intro Image" for your articles that will be resized to 500 pixels. For the "Full Image" field of articles you can setup a profile that resizes images to 1000 pixels width with an aspect ratio of 16:9. Or any other ratio and size you prefer! Have a look at the screenshots below for an impression of the new profiles feature.

Setup an image profiel

pwtimage 110 profiles

Set the features for the profile

pwtimage 110 settings

Select the image fields where this profile should be active

pwtimage 110 fields

Use PWT Image to crop the image. Resizing will take place automatically when saving.

pwtimage 110 modal

Two different profiles active, for intro image a 1:1 ratio and for the full image 16:9

pwtimage 110 article

Changelog PWT Image 1.1.0

+ -> Introducing profiles to allow multiple PWT Image configurations based on image instance & user groups
+ -> Option to set default folder permissions
+ -> Option to jump directly to cropping canvas after uploading an image
+ -> Option to prevent resizing, useful for icons/images that should not be resized/cropped
+ -> Allow searching for image names in folder select view
+ -> Support for images in modules
+ -> Option to override memory limit value
+ -> Added {W} for week number as option in file folder and names

^ -> Improved the options for XML implementations
^ -> Show image name on hover in file select view

# -> Fixed session check on front-end
# -> Declare variable
# -> Fixed ACL conversion
# -> Fixed curly brace
# -> Fixed classname
# -> Fix images filetypes not saved correctly on server bug
# -> Fix issues with images for sites in subfolders

Please find the entire changelog history on the downloads page of PWT Image

How to update PWT Image?

If you have an active subscription you can easily update PWT Image via the Joomla-updater under Extensions -> Manage -> Update. To use this feature you need to set your "Download ID" in the PWT Image component options. You can find your personal Download ID on your dashboard. You can also download PWT Image and install the package via the Joomla installer.

PWT Image Roadmap

The roadmap for PWT Image is publicly available on the PWT Image Roadmap page. You can vote on features to help us decide what the next steps are for our extension. Let us know if you're missing something on the roadmap, we're happy to receive your input!

Get PWT Image

No subscription for PWT Image yet? Get your subscription now and simplify the image management in Joomla for your content editors!


Sander Potjer