The roadmap of PWT SEO. Vote on the items to help us define priorities.

PWT SEO Future

Please vote for your favourite item to help us prioritize the list.

  • +77 Vote
    Check for keyword usage in first paragraph of article
  • +125 Vote
    Support for multiple keywords
  • +74 Vote
    Rich-snippet breadcrumbs
  • +224 Vote
    Check for duplicate content
  • +51 Vote
    Check for text complexity / readability
  • +200 Vote
    Option to set OG properties defaults
  • +43 Vote
    Description for each test how the score is calculated
  • +179 Vote
    Add SEO tab to category edit page. This allows to optimize the category description on the same page instead of having to switch from menu-item to category.
  • +53 Vote
    Add competitor urls and see the google rank position in comparison with own
  • +30 Vote
    Display most common words for page in backend overview
  • +131 Vote
    PWT SEO Doesn't correctly retrieve an menu item when it's an alias
  • +25 Vote
    Enable to process articles/menu-items/custom url's in a batch fashion
  • +27 Vote
    Show site performance for keyphrases
  • +20 Vote
    Internal Links check
  • +11 Vote
    Improved Keyphrase - blurry text search

PWT SEO 3rd Party

Based on the votes we will look into supporting 3rd party extensions in future releases.

  • +425 Vote
    PWT SEO for K2
  • +89 Vote
    PWT SEO for Virtuemart
  • +49 Vote
    PWT SEO for ZOO
  • +149 Vote
    PWT SEO for YOOtheme Pro
  • +149 Vote
    PWT SEO for SP Page Builder
  • +94 Vote
    PWT SEO for EasyBlog
  • +393 Vote
    PWT SEO for Hikashop
  • +37 Vote
    PWT SEO for Gridbox Page Builder

Feature requests for PWT SEO?

Do you have a feature or bug that is not on this list?
Get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you and add it to this list.